Suppose, you have an EC2 instance and you need to access it when you are travelling or changing your network provider. Accessing IP restricted AWS Services is a headache as you need to add your ISP...
Bash Script to Add ISP IP to Security Group
Suppose, you have an EC2 instance and you need to access it when you are travelling or changing your network provider. Accessing IP restricted AWS Services is a headache as you need to add your ISP...
Python - find number of identical pairs in an array
Let’s see how to find number of pairs of elements of the array that are equal but that occuppy different positions in the array. That means, a pair of indices (P,Q) is called identical if 0 <= P...
Python - make palindrome by replacing '?' in a string
This is a program in Python which returns palindrome which can be obtained by replacing all of the question marks in the given string str with ‘Z’. If no palindrome can be obtained, the function wi...
Upgrade Rancher version
When you upgrade your Kubernetes cluster version, the kubectl client in Rancher may not be compatible and you need to update Rancher to latest version in order to fix it. How to upgrade Rancher ve...
Manually join a Windows instance to Active Directory
Prerequisites Active directory service provided by AWS should be created Either the EC2 instance launched in same VPC of Active directory or there is VPC peering Active directory user login ...
AWS CloudwatchAgent Setup Linux with Autoscaling
In order to monitor memory and disk usage, you need to install Cloudwatch agent in the EC2 instance. Create IAM role > CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy > and attach it to the instance Add CloudW...
Windows instance in autoscaling group automatically join to Active Directory
When you need AWS managed Active directory for Windows instances in an autoscaling group, use the following steps to update launch configuration with instance AMI. These steps are required to ensur...
AWS CloudwatchAgent Setup Windows with Autoscaling
In order to monitor memory and disk usage, you need to install Cloudwatch agent in the EC2 instance. Create IAM role > CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy > and attach it to the instance Add CloudW...
Text and Typography
This post is to show Markdown syntax rendering on Chirpy, you can also use it as an example of writing. Now, let’s start looking at text and typography. Titles H1 - heading H2 - test heading H...
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